Posts tagged xp

Embed MP3 Album Artwork from iTunes for Windows

So I was transferring several of my mp3 files onto my phone to be able to have them to play anywhere when I realized all the album artwork that shows up in iTunes doesn’t seem to be copying over with the mp3’s. So I began to poke around on the internet and I continually was finding the AppleScript:


Getting Bluetooth To Work

It seems like almost every Bluetooth adapter available uses its own proprietary junk software that doesn’t work. The new Kensington Bluetooth 2.0 USB adapter that I bought is no different. Well this got me to wondering, why install extra software? Why have extra programs boot up and run in the background when Windows has all of this already running? Well the simple answer is to use Windows Bluetooth stack to run your adapter. But how to do this is the real question. After digging around online I found this handy little hack to get Bluetooth working the way it should the first time it was plugged in.

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